
Contribute to server costs!

Hi, I'm @JDTech, you probably know me as the tech guy in BK. For the past couple years, I've been making bots and hosting things for BK with my own servers. I have no problem doing that, and I've learned a lot about coding throughout, but @Darckeyes mentioned that I should make a donation page, so here it is!

Basically the server is hosted at SSDNodes and costs are $6.99/mo, but I do use the server occasionally for experimentation and whatnot, so I'll only ask for $5/mo.

Donations are strictly optional, so don't feel like you need to donate or anything like that 😂, but a massive thank you if you do choose to put some money in!

IP.Board Donations by DevFuse
  • Donation Stats

    Total Donors
    Total Donations
    Total Goals
    $0.00 of $60.00
  • Donation Goals

    Annual server costs

    The $60 per year will pay for hosting on the current server that I have for an entire year! I use SSDNodes, and my plan with them is $6.99/mo, but like I mentioned, I use the server occasionally, so I'll only ask for $60 😊

    $0.00 of $60.00 Donate Now